Employee feedback is the driver for improvement

Employee feedback is the driver for improvement

In a study by Mark Murphy, The Risks Of Ignoring Employee Feedback, studied 27,048 executives, managers and employees. He discovered, among other things, that very few leaders encourage, or are open to hearing, suggestions for improvement from their employees. In fact, the study found that only 24% of people say that their leader always encourages and recognizes suggestions for improvement. 

And when employees believe their leader is open to outside input, it not only increases their trust in that leader, it also increases their employee engagement.

I have led the implementation of literacy strategies in 7 major school districts across the nation. In every one of the school districts, academic achievement, as measured by scores on national and state exams, the school districts posted improvements in reading, writing and math across all socio economic groups. I would love to take credit and say that I’m a genius, but far from it. I am always asked for the “game plan” or “how did you do it?”  Many are disappointed when I point out that I do not have a guide or binder for them to look at. The bulk of the work comes from engaging and intensely listening to the high performers in every organization. They are creating and guiding the staff toward goals, accountability metrics and strategies created from within the organization.  If I was to direct the staff to implement a strategy, they would of course comply, but I want more than compliance, I want ownership from the employees at the school site. They tell me what to do, not the other way around. I explain, it is the shift from “compliance to ownership” that is the major driver for school turnaround and improvement. This can only happen if the organization has a mechanism for eliciting feedback and senior leadership understands and respects the value of employee feedback.

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